Note Values
Every note has a rounded notehead which designates the pitch. Other differences, such as whether a note has a stem or is solid black, have to do with note value, which is length of time to hold a note.
The symbol for a whole note is a circle. A whole note is held for 4 beats.
The symbol for a half note is a circle with a stem.
Two half notes = one whole note
A quarter note is a solid black circle with a stem.
Four quarter notes = 1 whole note
An eighth note is a solid black circle with a stem and one flag. Two eighth notes are written with their flags as a single bar between them.
A sixteenth note is a solid black circle with a stem and two flags. Two sixteenth notes are written with their flags as a double bar between them.
A triplet divides one beat into 3 equal parts.
If a note has a dot on the side, another half of the value of the note is added to it. For example, a half note with a dot beside it represents 2 beats plus half of 2 beats which is 1 beat. So... 2+1=3.
= 4 beats
= 2 beats
= 1 beat
= 1/2 beat
= 3 beats
whole note
half note
quarter note
eighth note
two eighth notes
sixteenth note
four sixteenths
dotted half note
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How to Read Music
dotted quarter note
= 1 1/2 beats
A sixteenth note can also be divided in half, creating 32nd notes. They have 3 flags, and are played very quickly!
Rests are symbols which mark a space of silence within music. See the chart at the top of this page to take a look at rest symbols and rest values.